您现在的位置:JCtrans > 在线货盘> 多式联运>South Korea到United States, Floridaclothing and 3 computers,No furniture.多式联运货盘


编号:100322552905 发布时间:2010/3/22 过期时间:2010/3/25
免责声明: 货盘信息来源于货主发布及网络供求信息,货代企业使用时需谨慎处理,如合作时引起纠纷和造成的一切后果,其责任由货代企业自行承担。
货盘属性: 普通货主
起始地: South Korea
目的地: United States, Florida
中文品名: clothing and 3 computers,No furniture.
箱型/箱量: LCL 拼箱 体积:重量:0.15
最迟装运日期: 2010/3/29
备注: I was looking to have a few things shipped from South Korea to the United States, Florida specifically. the rates be for freight for approximately 150kgs.? My cargo is just clothing and 3 computers,No furniture. I do not have a company name as I am an individual. by sea or by ai
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