您当前的位置: 首页 - 专业报关报验服务 - 北京进出口报关,北京外贸代理.
标题: 北京进出口报关,北京外贸代理.
类别: 专业报关报验服务
发布时间: 2010.06.21
内容: 北京申世天成国际贸易有限公司 北京大坤报关服务公司 SHENSHI TIANCHENG 北京大坤报关服务公司 BEIJING GREATKUN CUSTOMS BROKER COMPANY 专业全国报关权报检权: ? 代理报关、报检、包装 ? 代理私人物品报关 ? 代理鲜活货物的海关快速通关 Authorized professional customs declaration and inspection declaration agent ? Customs declaration and inspection declaration packing consultation for related business information. ? Customs clearance for personal articles. ? Fast and convenient customs clearance for fresh or live goods. 服务优势: ? 属海关鲜活货物便捷通关企业,具有快送通关能力 ? 代理标签及各类许可证的申请 ? 代理海关免税申请 Service advantage: ? Being included in fast and convenient customs clearance enterprise list for fresh and live cargoes to guarantee our customs clearance speed for you. ? Agent of label and various licenses application ? Agent of customs duty-free application
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